Airbnb How Honest Should I Be in Reviewing a Guest?

I live and dice by AirBNB reviews. Hands down, no argument, no discussion: Without AirBNB, I could non live the nomad life. Full stop.

Only information technology took ages to larn to read reviews carefully, to read between the lines. Fifty-fifty now I am sometimes a flake disappointed in places.

Today, fellow traveler and writer Gigi Griffis lamented getting a bad review from an AirBNB host. She asked for the place to be re-cleaned subsequently finding rotting nutrient and such in the flat. So RUDE, GIGI. Honestly, though: It pisses me off that having expectations of a clean apartment is considered poor behaviour. We pay money for what we get. Especially people like Gigi and me, since we're fussy and not cheaping it out, just getting improve deals past staying long-term. (Oh, and Gigi is skillful reading. She'south hither.)

So allow's talk virtually two things.

One, for guests, why are reviews then important, and what are your responsibilities every bit a reviewing guest, and why?

Two, if y'all're a host, why do I feel entitled to complain about your apartment, and why are my expectations justified?

One: Guests: AirBNB Reviews, and the Responsibility of Honesty

I spend $12,000+ yearly now on AirBNB and my money matters. When yous, equally a invitee, avoid rocking the boat by only leaving dainty shiny reviews on mediocre places, y'all compromise my quality of life because you weren't honest.

Here's the thing: Hosts don't see your reviews until after you accept BOTH reviewed each other. This is to go on y'all honest. So exist honest. They can't do anything to yous subsequently you have posted an honest review. They can't change their review out of spite. They can't blackmark you or out you. They tin can't attack you lot.

And prospective hosts can't see what listings you've reviewed, simply how you lot're reviewed as a guest by other hosts, so don't worry well-nigh bad AirBNB reviews tainting future stays. Fifty-fifty if they COULD come across your honest-merely-bad AirBNB reviews, expert hosts would read it and see "rotting food left in refrigerator" or "unclean toilet" and know that, yeah, that complaint is totally warranted.

This isn't high school.

Nosotros're not all supposed to attempt to be friends. It'southward independent business people providing customers with a service. Catamenia.

The ratings should be like this:

  • Five stars = "Practise I actually take to leave?"
  • Iv stars = "Pretty proficient"
  • Three stars = "Needs work"
  • Two stars = "I'm likewise old for this shit"
  • One star = "Omigod, I'grand not staying here another night"

And exist honest.

End being a nice guest and not saying what you really remember. I promise, it won't come back to bite you.

One "B": What to Include In AirBNB Reviews

When reviewing an AirBNB experience, don't only tell united states how nice the host was and how shut information technology was to the city.

Tell usa how the inflow happened. Was it painless? Were you waiting in the night of night exterior in a seedy office of town considering the host didn't go far for 20 minutes?

Focus on necessities others need to know about before booking:

  • Is the bath make clean, in good shape, and operation?
  • How's the water in the shower?
  • Does the WiFi work consistently, and is it fast?
  • Does the kitchen have a decent supply of cookware?
  • Is there a rooster next door or a mosque that bellows its telephone call to prayer at 3am?
  • Does the host answer inquiries apace? Do they handle your needs well?
  • Is in that location anything at all left to cook with, similar spices or leftover things from past guests, or should i evidence up well-stocked?
  • And the bed! Don't merely tell u.s.a. it'due south "comfy," is it soft? Hard? Firm? Lumpy? Squeezed in between 2 walls so you have to climb out the lesser?
  • Does the place scent? Is in that location dust or mold?
  • What about the neighbourhood? Is there a lot of traffic? Stairs? Hills? How far to the nearest… anything?

AirBNB reviews are important, they're a disquisitional part of the booking feel. Beyond helping people like me, for whom this is our life, it helps people who've scrimped and saved for a vacation, and this means a lot to them. Why are they less important than the hosts' feelings? They've got two weeks off in a twelvemonth, and you inflating your AirBNB review might hateful they book a mediocre flat when better ones are out there.

Give other guests the vacations they're longing to enjoy by beingness honest and helpful in writing a thorough AirBNB review.

Two: AirBNB Hosts: Why My Expectations Are Justified

There are hosts out at that place who remember complaints nearly cleanliness and weather condition are unjustified. They think yous go what y'all pay for and y'all're lucky that they even offer their place up for rent.

Look, hosts, you do me no favours. You provide a service. Anything above and beyond a clean and serviceable apartment is indeed a service and generosity, and I appreciate information technology. But a clean, operation, liveable apartment is not negotiable. Broken chairs and malfunctioning appliance, blown bed springs, these are not "bare minimum standards." These are you failing to provide a good experience.

If you put out a bare minimum experience, be honest about that. Say then. Don't telephone call information technology "cozy and rustic." Say information technology's a minimalist experience for a student looking for a budget stay. There is a Marketplace for that and they appreciate honesty and are glad to just exist able to stay in Edinburgh or Vancouver for a week, at that price. Simply don't human activity like you're all that when you're barely better than a higher dorm after a party weekend, okay?

This isn't charity. You're paid. Guests worked for that coin.

If you say y'all take a neat infinite and yous provide a nice apartment, that's terrific. Yay! Brand certain information technology's spotless. If you're not a not bad housekeeper, pay someone who is. I will approximate you difficult on cleanliness.

If y'all think cutting corners is peachy because it's "not a hotel" then go out of the AirBNB business. That's not AirBNB's slogan. It's not "AirBNB: Not a hotel." It'southward "AirBNB: Live like a local" and "AirBNB: Belong Anywhere."

And living like a local does indeed include all walks of life – casual spaces, dorm-like facilities, shared rooms, and more. But clean. Clean!

Cleanliness is non-negotiable at any level of AirBNB. End of argument. Cleanliness is non-negotiable.

If you lot're not writing HONEST REVIEWS, you are part of the problem. Be kind but be honest. I'g lookin' at you!

This isn't Couchsurfing, This is a Billion-Dollar Business

I'one thousand non some schmuck crashing on your couch and appreciating any generosity. I work hard for my dollars and pay you my money because I'grand under the delusion that you understand that this is a business. You earn my money by providing a clean, rubber infinite that lives up to all the adjectives and nouns you've cobbled together in your advertisement.

If you want to be charitable, go to church. Don't open an AirBNB.

This is a business. Meet the terms of the agreement or become out of the business.

If you're a customer leaving an AirBNB review, remember that. This was a business transaction and these people are making potentially tens of thousands of dollars a year off folks similar you, and they owe you a great experience. Review them appropriately.

Thank yous and goodnight.

PS: I pay for every stay at AirBNB. I'k never sponsored. I've used it in 16 countries and have no reason to stop. If you've never joined AirBNB and you want to try it out, I have some pointers here, and you can join with this link and receive a $50 travel credit (pretty sure that's Canadian dollars).


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