what does it mean to be under his wings


She flew away equally her wings took flight when I opened our front door. Inside the edge of my wreath, I institute the beginnings of her nest.

I realized our abiding door activity was a risk to whatsoever eggs she'd lay.

Then I acted speedily in taking my wreath downward to force this mama bird to build her abode elsewhere.

A few days later, high on the River Birch co-operative inside our courtyard, I spotted a newly built nest. I imagined her nesting, then caring for her babies through feeding and protecting them from impairment—jump storms and predators. And keeping them nether her wings.

Equally God's children, we demand a safe shelter. Considering life'south storms and a predator (Satan) often put usa in danger. Or peradventure we wonder how to rest in the Lord and the best time to take flying and soar.

We take balls nigh constant nether God'south wings.

  • God covers us with His feathers.
  • The Male parent hides united states in the shadow of His wings.
  • His faithful promises are our strong shelter.

Look at Jesus's words in Matthew 23.

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the urban center that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and y'all were not willing!" (Verses 37, ESV)

Our redeemer wants to gather us under His wings—if we are willing. Then these benefits follow.

Refuge nether His Wings

Like the hen gathers her brood to protect them from harm, the Lord'southward wings provide protection and security during stormy seasons and the enemy'due south harmful intent.

Psalm 91 describes our refuge.

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will bide in the shadow of the Almighty. I volition say to the Lord, 'My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.'" (Verses 1-two, ESV)

"He will cover y'all with his pinions, and under his wings yous will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler." (Verse 4, ESV)


My inquiry uncovered an astounding and comforting discovery. Pinions make up the outer part of a bird's wing, including the flight feathers (Google). Birds are unable to take flight while roofing their babies. It only is impossible.

Dark and turbulent storms often hit shut to home in our lives. We lose a loved i or a job, illness strikes, our child turns wayward, our marriage is in trouble, or our dreams become unmet.

Yet, the Lord never leaves us, never flies off during threatening times. And He never forsakes us. We remain secure nether His wings.

David knew this security in Psalm 57.

"Exist merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I volition take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass past." (Verse 1, ESV)

David prayed equally he hid in a cave, fleeing from Saul who wanted to impale him. The cave wasn't his refuge, but the shadow of the Almighty'south wings.

Residue in His Care

Nosotros ofttimes fail to take a suspension from the busyness that leads to burnout, and this depletes our soul of joy. Our weary bodies and hearts, our what-if's, and our anxious thoughts all contribute to this breaking point.

"For you accept been my assist, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy." (Psalm 63:7, ESV)

To residue is an intentional position of the heart. Simply like the sound of morning birds chirping in the morning time sunday, our joy is found in the Son.

The finish result of resting under His wings? Joy!

Renewal from His Shelter

Merriam-Webster defines renew every bit, "to make (something) new, fresh, or potent again."

The heavenly Father restores u.s.a. and makes united states strong. And after each renewing under His wings, we really are ready to accept flight and soar—until the next renewing flavour.


"Just they who wait for the Lord shall renew their forcefulness; they shall mount upwardly with wings like eagles." (Isaiah 40:31a, ESV)

Let's resolve to remain under His wings for refuge, balance, and renewal.

I'k nestled there at present. Are you?

God's A Father Who Never Leaves His Kid.

Featured Photo by Roan Lavery on Unsplash/Top Photo by Hannah Schulte on Unsplash/Heart Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash/Bottom Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash.

Karen Friday

Whether the spoken or written word, Karen thrives in moving an audience to feel laughter, tears, surprise, and deep reflection. She not only possesses an amore for words (only inquire her family unit), but she also cherishes God's Word. Karen is an honour-winning writer who has published both devotions and articles with a mission to know Jesus more and make Him known. She contributes to several national sites while she works on her first non-fiction volume. In the blogging world, she is referred to as "Girl Friday" where she shares a central message: you are never far from hope. And she considers her life equally a pastor's married woman and women's ministry leader a sacred calling. Karen and her married man Mike reside in East Tennessee and have two grown children and two grandchildren. The unabridged family unit is fond of the expression, "TGIF: Thank God it'south Friday." They owe Monday an apology. Connect with her blog community, Promise is Among Us.

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Source: https://inspireafire.com/3-benefits-for-abiding-under-gods-wings/

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